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Professional Grey Francolin Sound Mp3 X64 Crack Full Version Registration Iso


An introduction to the website: The Grey Francolin Sound is a free sound collection on the website of sound recording and production for all those interested in learning about this bird. Don't forget to share with your friends as it's always great when you find new music! What is the Grey Francolin? The Grey francolin (Francolinus caerulescens) is an African bird belonging to the pheasant family. It has grey plumage, yellow legs and black markings on its head, a red eye patch and a long tail. This medium-sized ground-dwelling bird usually inhabits savannahs, scrublands and grasslands. The common name "francolin" is a corruption of the French word "franc comme l'aigle", meaning as brave as an eagle. Francolins are part of the Phasianidae family along with pheasants, junglefowls and quails. They belong to tribe Phasianini, which includes some 40 genera and 300 species, and subfamily francolinus (grey or whistle francolins). There are 17 known species of grey francolins. However, only 7 species occur in Africa; 12 live in Asia; one species is found in Europe and two others – on islands in the Pacific Ocean. A male and a female francolin may look alike, but they can be distinguished by their plumage and beards. The females have a grey crown, red eye patch and black shoulders, whereas the males have orangey-red heads and white throat. The male's beak is short and straight with an upturned point; this gives him the nickname 'Pinocchio'. Francolins are sexually dimorphic as the males are smaller than the females (about 20 percent). Grey francolins prefer to live in groups rather than as solitary birds. However, they do wander around alone when hungry or disturbed by intruders like predators. Francolins eat fruits, seeds and flowers of plants that grow in the wild. They forage for food early in the morning and late in the evening to avoid being attacked by predators such as leopards, jackals and eagles. Females lay about 10 eggs each season from which hatch out chicks. The females incubate the eggs from 12 days to 3 weeks, depending on their species. The chicks leave their nests when they are 5–6 weeks old and start learning how to fly after 4–5 months. They reach maturity at a year old. Francolins have a lifespan of 7–9 years in the wild. Grey francolins are found from Arabia to India, from Egypt to Sudan. The species that occurs in Africa is the grey francolin, Francolinus caerulescens, which lives in savannahs and grasslands. These birds have a wide range of habitats including dry, open areas with bushes. They prefer plains with grasses and thorny bushes. Their diet includes a wide variety of plants and insects such as earthworms, beetles, ants and caterpillars amongst other things. They also eat berries and small fruit that they find by sifting through the dirt or by prying out plants from their burrows using their nosed wings. cfa1e77820

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